About the Toll Gate PTO:

The Toll Gate Grammar School PTO mission is to strengthen, enhance and encourage the academic and social environment of Toll Gate Grammar School. The PTO complements the school curriculum with opportunities for learning, development, communication and socialization.

2024-2025 Officers:

Co-Presidents: Kathy Belli, Bonnie Lieu

Vice Presidents Communication: Katie Schaub, Carina Fanelli

VP Fundraising: Christine Jewell

Treasurer: Emily Etchberger

Secretary: Katrina Delark

Trustees: Andrea Fereshteh


2024-2025 Committee Chairs:

Author in Residence: Meredith Van Arsdale

Book Fair: Eva Tramontana

Communications: Katie Schaub, Carina Fanelli

Corporate Rewards/Box Tops: Emily Etchberger

Directory: Kathy Belli

Family Picnic: Andrea Fereshteh, Christine Jewell

Gator Gram: Katie Schaub, Carina Fanelli

Green Team: Kristen Goreczny, Jenn Majcherzak

Math/STEM Night: Danielle Willison

Read A Fun: Eva Tramontana

Class Parent Coordinator: Danielle Willison, Shana Cole

Scholarships: Maggie Larocca, Molly O'Connor, Tricia Simpson, Eva Tramontana

School Store: Jaclyn Petrin, Molly O'Connor

Skating Party: Jessica Leonard

Staff Appreciation: Meredith Van Arsdale, Jodi Zwiefler, Sandra Radice, Aubrey Dunn

Student Directory: Kathy Belli

TASK: Suzanne Elliot, Valerie Buchert

Trenton Thunder: Liz Ryan

Yearbook Coordinator: Katrina Delark 

Want to Volunteer?

Want to help? Our Committee Chairs and PTO are always looking for extra help.  Send us an email at tggpto@gmail.com and we can find a spot for you!